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The ALCA works closely with residents as well as all levels of government to conserve and enhance the environment of the lake and its surrounding area. The Association was founded in 1963. Its Mission is to be achieved through the observance of the following goals and objectives:
Membership has its benefits!
Why Belong to The Anstruther LakeCottagers’ Association? … Facebook: Anstruther Lake & Anstruther Lake Cottagers Association Pages.
As has been told over the many years the ALCA has been around (approximately 61), it is important to support Your Lake Association for many reasons.
Here are several:
Water Testing in July and again in August at 10 sites covering the entire Lake to make sure our ‘pristine’ water is kept healthy along with the Province’s “Lake Partner Program” testing for phosphorus and more extensive testing with Trent University in early August.
Navigation Lights are maintained and up-graded to reflect the latest technology and to help night-time boating be easier and safer.
Interaction with ALL levels of government to lobby on a variety of issues that occur on a regular basis (i.e. ALCA is a member of The Federation of Ontario Cottagers’ Association (FOCA) to leverage these issues and others on a large scale with the greater numbers of a larger Association.
Issues emerging with The Kawartha Highlands Signature Site Provincial Park(our entire Lake is in the KHPP) .
Local Township and County Issues involving waste management … support of the expanded Health Centre in Apsley … Library … Computer Library … Township Swim Program … Safe Boater Training Program. ALCA fosters a good relationship with the Township and dialogues to keep tax increases minimal.
The annual Lake Regatta in Aug. & Corn-Wiener Roast in Sept.
The ALCA website: to keep everyone up-to-date on the Lake.
Your annual ALCA membership dues ($35.00) enable all this and more to happen. Liability Insurance the Association must carry is also an expense for every ‘non-profit’ volunteer organizations.
So, PLEASE, support the ALCA by joining with your cheque or cash. If you have already renewed through the mail or the website
‘Thank-you’. We need 100% membership. If you know someone on the Lake who is not a member please encourage them to join.
“Everyone should have a Stake in the Health of their Lake”
Doug Wellman - Past President
Chris Johnstone - President
Doug Murray - VP/Membership
Denyse Jeffrey-Janusc - Secretary
Mary Colleen Shanahan - Treasurer
Tonnie DeBruijn - Lights
Bob Burgis - Water Testing
Lean Tait - Director at Large
Mary Webb - Director at Large
Bill Medland
Rob Pratten
Barbara Saunders
Copyright © 2018 Anstruther Lake Cottagers' Association - All Rights Reserved.